In Yoga Vashishtha (6/1/81/39) text while throwing light on Mantra Energy it is written:

Yathavireka kurvanti haritamya swabhavataha.

Bhavanavashataha karya tatha paralvadayaha.

MEANING: O Rama! Just as by eating yellow myrobalan the digestion system functions more quickly and thus diarrhea ensues,Guest Posting in the same way Mantra chanting with steadfastness and powerful sentiments influences the body at a momentous pace.

The author of Ramayana has said: Mantra param laghu jasuvas vidhi harihar sur sarva. Within these descriptions are only science is at work. It is just not mere imagination or faith. In Kadimbini (1967, Page 18) Revered Govind Shastri has given the description of such a Mantra which was chanted by placing the hands in a copper plate. The water previously filled in the plate would now slowly turn yellow and the patient’s disease got cured. Even today in Indian villages snake and scorpion bites are treated with Mantra Energy and this proves to be much more successful than modern day medical therapy.

This energy embedded in Mantras in reality is but the miracle of divine energy of sound. The visible form of Mantras is sound. If one word is chanted in a stepwise fashion, tunefully and with proper rhythm in poetic meter ceaselessly, a cyclic movement is created. If after tying a piece of stone to a rope the latter is rotated in all directions 2 results ensue. First it shall be seen as a round circumference/zone. The local form of the rope and stone by changing its form gets transformed into a mobile wheel which is a visible miracle. The 2nd result shall be that due to this circular movement an extraordinary energy manifests. If we attack someone with this small stone tied to this fast moving rope may well end that person’s life. In the same way if this stone is thrown, akin to an arrow it shall whiz away to a very long far off distance. This is exactly what happens with Mantra Japa or chanting. If a certain set of words are repeated again and again in uniformity, in one tone and rhythmically sound waves/vibrations emerge that are very beneficial. Since these words as a result of ceaseless chanting move circularly, the result is that both in the inner psyche of the devotee and in the external cosmos an extraordinary energy stream commences flowing. Thus the result of this can only be called miracles of Mantra chanting.

The energy of word or sound can be understood in a different way too. Suppose a child has never encountered a lion, is not aware of the characteristics and nature of a lion yet if it even hears the roaring of a lion the child shall shiver in fright. Similarly on hearing the sweet singing of the cuckoo people smile happily. Now this is merely a very gross influence of sound on the inner body. But just as when you continuously churn curd butter emerges from it, similarly if sound beyond the realm of gross ears along with intense sentiments is echoed it manifests such a mobile energy from bodily Chakras (subtle plexus), endocrine glands, nerve networks etc that it helps a diseased person regain sound health, can make someone conducive to you and it can be used for Maran (killing someone using Mantras via Tantra methods), Mohan (casting spell on others for fascination towards oneself), Ucchatan (creating distraction in others psyche) etc. This energy’s Tantrik portion is Kritya and Ghat. But of course all these negative harmful energies are totally ignored by Gayatri Mantra which is used only for one’s own and others well being. But people following the Vam Marga of Tantra make full use of such harmful black powers. They do so even if it means hell like agony descends on them. home theater systems

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