MBA Online – Pros and Cons

When deciding whether to pursue a master’s degree, it’s essential to weigh the benefits against the costs and determine how much time you’re willing to dedicate to schooling. A traditional MBA is a significant commitment that may require students to put their careers on hold for two years. For working professionals who don’t have the luxury of putting their careers on hold, online programs offer an attractive alternative.

Pro: Online programs give working professionals the opportunity to earn their degrees while continuing with their day-to-day responsibilities. In addition, many online programs allow for a more flexible schedule. For example, at Franklin University, students can access their class materials from any device with an internet connection — including their smartphones.

Con: The online format can make it more difficult to participate in classroom discussions and receive immediate feedback from instructors. Online learners must be self-motivated and have strong time management skills to stay on top of coursework. Additionally, online MBA programs may not provide as many networking opportunities as on-campus programs.

Luckily, more and more schools are moving their MBA programs to the virtual format. Regardless of how an MBA program is delivered, employers value the degree equally.

In fact, some businesses may actually prefer an online MBA because it can be more cost effective. Moreover, the flexibility of an online MBA allows students to pursue their degree at a pace that fits into their lifestyle. For instance, if an employee is expecting a busy period at work, they can temporarily pause their classes until things quiet down. mba online

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