Histoire du design d’intérieur

The Egyptian and Roman Era

There is plenty of evidence that interior design was of great importance to the Egyptians and Romans. Obviously, at this point in the history of interior design, it was limited only to the wealthy. The proof of this period in the history of interior design is in the architecture and in the various records that have been uncovered. The Egyptians, for instance, left us lavishly decorated tombs of the pharaohs, which were intended both as a final resting place and as a way to supply the comforts needed by the pharaoh in the next life.

The Romans left us evidence that their rooms were carefully planned around the way that each room was to be used. This is a key part of modern interior design. Wealthy Romans, for instance, created separate living rooms for summer and winter seasons. These were designed for optimal comfort during either the warm and cold months. There are indications that both the Romans and the Egyptians did take some care to partake in interior decorating as well, which is another important feature in interior design.

The Era of the Renaissance

The next major expansion in the history of interior design came in the Italian Renaissance. It’s during this era when all arts experienced a surge in popularity, with wealthy patrons readily supporting the arts with their finances. It was especially during this time that interior decorating and interior design began to more closely resemble what we know of it in later years in the history of interior design. Rooms began to be designed with function and form in mind. Some of the most prominent examples were the lavish interior designs of the palace at Versailles, which continues today as an prime example of royal decadence. Still at this time in the history of interior design, such things were completely out of reach of the common people.

Interior Design in the Industrial Revolution

The transformation in the history of Interior Design that opened it up to the common man was the Industrial Revolution. This massive change made cheaper goods possible for home decoration as well as created an economic revolution in the United States. Now middle-class families had expendable income to put toward extra expenditures such as interior design. During this time, interior design magazines came into vogue and the profession of interior designer took hold, and now is its own industry by the start of the 21st century. Essentially, the history of interior design has been shaped through the decades and centuries by artistic, economic, and technological revolutions throughout history.

The Egyptian and Roman Era

There is plenty of evidence that interior design was of great importance to the Egyptians and Romans. Obviously, at this point in the history of interior design, it was limited only to the wealthy. The proof of this period in the history of interior design is in the architecture and in the various records that have been uncovered. The Egyptians, for instance, left us lavishly decorated tombs of the pharaohs, which were intended both as a final resting place and as a way to supply the comforts needed by the pharaoh in the next life.

The Romans left us evidence that their rooms were carefully planned around the way that each room was to be used. This is a key part of modern interior design. Wealthy Romans, for instance, created separate living rooms for summer and winter seasons. These were designed for optimal comfort during either the warm and cold months. There are indications that both the Romans and the Egyptians did take some care to partake in interior decorating as well, which is another important feature in interior design.

The Era of the Renaissance

The next major expansion in the history of interior design came in the Italian Renaissance. It’s during this era when all arts experienced a surge in popularity, with wealthy patrons readily supporting the arts with their finances. It was especially during this time that interior decorating and interior design began to more closely resemble what we know of it in later years in the history of interior design. Rooms began to be designed with function and form in mind. Some of the most prominent examples were the lavish interior designs of the palace at Versailles, which continues today as an prime example of royal decadence. Still at this time in the history of interior design, such things were completely out of reach of the common people.

Interior Design in the Industrial Revolution

The transformation in the history of Interior Design that opened it up to the common man was the Industrial Revolution. This massive change made cheaper goods possible for home decoration as well as created an economic revolution in the United States. Now middle-class families had expendable income to put toward extra expenditures such as interior design. During this time, interior design magazines came into vogue and the profession of interior designer took hold, and now is its own industry by the start of the 21st century. Essentially, the history of interior design has been shaped through the decades and centuries by artistic, economic, and technological revolutions throughout history

L’époque égyptienne et romaine

Il existe de nombreuses preuves que la décoration intérieure était d’une grande importance pour les Égyptiens et les Romains. De toute évidence, à ce stade de l’histoire du design d’intérieur, il n’était réservé qu’aux riches. La preuve de cette période dans l’histoire du design d’intérieur se trouve dans l’architecture et dans les différents records qui ont été découverts. Les Égyptiens, par exemple, nous ont laissé des tombeaux de pharaons richement décorés, qui étaient destinés à la fois comme lieu de repos final et comme moyen de fournir le confort nécessaire au pharaon dans la vie suivante.

Les Romains nous ont laissé des preuves que leurs pièces étaient soigneusement planifiées autour de la façon dont chaque pièce devait être utilisée. C’est un élément clé du design d’intérieur moderne. Les riches Romains, par exemple, ont créé des salons séparés pour les saisons d’été et d’hiver. Ceux-ci ont été conçus pour un confort optimal pendant les mois chauds et froids. Il y a des indications que les Romains et les Égyptiens ont également pris soin de participer à la décoration intérieure, ce qui est une autre caractéristique importante de la décoration intérieure.

L’ère de la Renaissance

La prochaine expansion majeure de l’histoire du design d’intérieur a eu lieu à la Renaissance italienne. C’est à cette époque que tous les arts ont connu un regain de popularité, les riches mécènes soutenant volontiers les arts avec leurs finances. C’est surtout à cette époque que la décoration intérieure et le design d’intérieur ont commencé à ressembler davantage à ce que nous en savons au cours des dernières années de l’histoire du design d’intérieur. Les chambres ont commencé à être conçues en tenant compte de la fonction et de la forme. Certains des exemples les plus marquants étaient les somptueux aménagements intérieurs du palais de Versailles, qui continuent aujourd’hui d’être un excellent exemple de la décadence royale. Encore à cette époque de l’histoire du design d’intérieur, de telles choses étaient complètement hors de portée des gens ordinaires.

Design d’intérieur dans la révolution industrielle

La transformation de l’histoire du design d’intérieur qui l’a ouvert à l’homme ordinaire a été la révolution industrielle. Ce changement massif a rendu possible des produits moins chers pour la décoration de la maison et a créé une révolution économique aux États-Unis. Désormais, les familles de la classe moyenne avaient un revenu disponible à consacrer à des dépenses supplémentaires telles que la décoration intérieure. Pendant ce temps, les magazines de design d’intérieur sont devenus à la mode et la profession d’architecte d’intérieur s’est imposée, et est maintenant sa propre industrie au début du 21e siècle. Essentiellement, l’histoire du design d’intérieur a été façonnée au fil des décennies et des siècles par des révolutions artistiques, économiques et technologiques à travers l’histoire. aménagement intérieur


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