Ten Reasons Living In Dubai Is Better Than The UK

I am not sure if anyone has noticed this,Ten Reasons Living In Dubai Is Better Than The UK Articles but Dubai has been welcoming so many foreigners to live in the country that it makes me wonder what is so great about the place. Everyone wants to live in Dubai and according to them, they want to “live a good life” there. I have been researching and found some interesting facts about Dubai. Here I present to you the top ten reasons why Dubai is definitely better than UK.

The economic opportunities in Dubai are the very first reason. It is undeniable that Dubai is the fastest growing economy, with above 15% on the previous year and the percentage is doubling every year. Billions have been in and out of the country and no wonder there are so many opportunities in Dubai for you to explore. Do you know that you don’t have to pay income tax in Dubai? I didn’t know until a few minutes ago. So you get to earn all you can earn in Dubai and you get to keep all of it too. There is no better reason to go and live in Dubai.

If you are a die-hard shopper, living in Dubai is living in heaven. You get to shop until you drop, literally. First of all, you must not miss the Dubai Duty Free Shops, which are the best in the world. Second, you must shop in Dubai during the Dubai Shopping Festival (January to February) and Dubai Summer Surprises (June to August). The living standard in Dubai is much higher than any other countries. It is possible for you to live a upper scale lifestyle and have access to high-class residences and driving the coolest cars in town.

You will never get bored in Dubai. With so many nightclubs and bars, you are sure to have more fun than you ever imagine. You’ll be satisfied with the services and have a great night out every night. Dubai nights are filled with vibes and colours that will make your head spin. Another reason is that Dubai has the busiest airport in the world. There are flights coming in and out of Dubai all the time. So, accessibility is never a problem in Dubai. You can catch direct flights to almost anywhere you want to go. The best part is you can expect the air crew to speak about 8 languages or more.

You don’t have to worry about education in Dubai. Most of the schools in Dubai follow the British curriculum or the American curriculum. There are other choices, such as a French school and an Australian school. Your kids are sure to get the best education in Dubai, there is no doubt about that. In Dubai, you can expect to get world-class infrastructure. Everything in Dubai is in tiptop condition, so you will have to catch up with the development if you don’t want to fall behind. Fertility Clinic Dubai

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