Nusa Penida Island Tour – Top 5 Natural Attractions on a Nusa Penida Island Tour

Nusa Penida is a natural paradise with stunning views and world class diving. While getting around can be problematic due to the island’s poor roads, it is still worth a visit.

The west coast of the island is home to incredible views like Kelingking Beach. The beach’s outline resembles the head of a tyrannosaurus rex and is a must-see for many visitors.

Kelingking Beach

Nusa Penida is a pristine island with untouched natural landscapes, dramatic cliffs, and secluded beaches. It’s a dream destination for nature lovers, photographers, and adventurers. It’s also a great place to relax and unwind on the beautiful white sand beaches far from the tourist crowds. The best time to visit Nusa Penida is from May to September, when the weather is dry and warm.

The secluded beach at Kelingking is one of the most popular attractions on the island. It’s located on the easternmost point of Nusa Penida, and is known for its silky blue water and cliffs that tower over the sea. While most visitors stay at the viewpoint, some walk down to the beach itself. There are several warungs that sell food and drinks near the beach. Most offer mie goreng and nasi goreng for 15,000-25,000 rupiah per meal.

You can take a day trip to Kelingking from the mainland by boat. The tour starts at Sanur, and the boat ride takes about 45 minutes. Once you arrive at Toya Pakeh, you can meet your local host and begin your journey to Kelingking Beach, Broken Beach, and Angel’s Billabong. You’ll see pristine white sand beaches, breathtaking viewpoints, and exotic wildlife. You can also explore the island’s villages, where you can find genuine hospitality and warmth.

Broken Beach

Located on the west side of Nusa Penida, Broken Beach is a natural arch that’s been formed by erosion over millions of years. Also known as Pasih Uug, the beach is a stunning cove surrounded by crystal clear turquoise waters. It is one of the most famous spots on the island, so expect to see a lot of tourists when you visit.

The best way to get to the Broken Beach is by car or scooter. However, the road on Nusa Penida is very rough and may be dangerous if you’re not an experienced driver. Therefore, it’s best to join a Nusa Penida tour with a driver if you don’t want to risk your life.

Aside from its breathtaking beauty, Nusa Penida is home to many quaint villages where hospitality and warmth define daily life. Experience the local culture by immersing yourself in a traditional village or savor a delicious meal of fresh seafood. Then, head to the secluded beaches of Crystal Bay and swim with majestic manta rays for an unforgettable adventure.

Whether you’re a nature lover or an art enthusiast, Nusa Penida is sure to leave you with lasting memories. From the mystical Kelingking Beach to the magnificent Rumah Pohon Tree House, this island is filled with sights that will take your breath away. So make sure you bring your camera to capture the magical moments on your visit!

Angel’s Billabong

Located in the village of Sakti, Banjar Sumpang, Nusa Penida Island, Bali, Indonesia, Angel’s Billabong is a natural pool formed from a rock-cut valley. It is considered one of the most beautiful spots in Nusa Penida and has become a popular tourist attraction for locals and visitors alike. Its unique geology makes it unlike any other pool you have seen before. It is also famous for its stunning view over the ocean.

The best way to get to this incredible location is by joining a day tour that includes it as a part of its itinerary. You will need to catch a fast boat from Sanur, and the journey will take about an hour. The tour will allow you to visit other incredible locations on the island as well, including Kelingking Beach, Broken Beach, and Manta Point.

Alternatively, you can also book a private tour that takes you to the most popular sites on the island. This will allow you to explore the pristine beaches and spectacular viewpoints of the island. You will also be able to swim with giant manta rays and snorkel colorful coral and vibrant fish. Just be sure to book your trip early so you can secure a spot and avoid any disappointments. Make sure to wear flip-flops as the path to Angel’s Billabong is rocky.

Crystal Bay

Crystal Bay Beach is one of the best beaches on Nusa Penida, a beautiful sandy beach with crystalline blue waters. It’s a popular spot for snorkeling and sunbathing and is the perfect place to relax and soak up some rays. It’s also a good spot to watch the sunset.

It’s best to visit the beach early or later in the day to avoid crowds and get a better view of the sunrise or sunset. You can also find some bars on the beach where you can grab a drink. Some of them even offer beanbags to sit on, encouraging visitors to relax and unwind.

Unlike other beaches on Nusa Penida, Crystal Bay faces west, so it’s a great place to watch the sun set. It’s also one of the few beaches that offer a beer at sunset and it’s a great way to end your day on the island.

The beach is a popular diving destination from July to September, when it’s possible to see the elusive oceanic sunfish known as mola-mola. However, it’s a great place to visit any time of year to admire its natural beauty and tranquil waters.

There are two main ways to explore the west side of Nusa Penida – either by joining a tour or renting a scooter and exploring it on your own. While the latter option can be cheaper, you should note that it’s tough to drive on the island and requires a lot of energy. Nusa Penida island tour

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