Employment Tribunal Representation

If your internal grievance process does not resolve a problem, or you do not have access to a trade union, you can raise an employment tribunal claim. You can be accompanied by a representative (eg a lawyer or family member) at the hearing or you can represent yourself. If you are not legally qualified, you may be able to apply for free legal representation from a charity such as Advocate or the Free Representation Unit.

If you have a representative at the hearing, they will put your case to the panel and answer questions from the other parties. You can also call witnesses to give evidence. The judge or panel will then decide the outcome of your case.

You will usually get 14 days’ notice of the date and time of your hearing. It will be held in the local tribunal office and you will be told if it will take place in person, over the phone or via video conference. If you or a witness is going to be away from the UK, you should contact the tribunal as soon as possible to let them know and explain why you cannot attend the hearing.

You should make sure you have all the documents you are using to support your case with you at the hearing and bring any other materials that may be useful for your case. It is a good idea to bring someone with you to the hearing, especially for a long or complicated hearing. You will usually need to arrive 30 minutes before the hearing starts, and a clerk will check you in. Employment Tribunal representation

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