Black Diamond Luxury

A black diamond is an absolute must have for all women in today’s modern world. This precious gem should exude pure elegance and sometimes even mystify the on-lookers eyes. With the readily available supply, it is possible to buy one on virtually any budget. So where did these captivating stones come from and how long ago? Actually, most jewelers are on different sides when it comes to the history. Often referred to as the “young” diamond, the black diamond was formed approximately 3.5 billion years ago! This may not sound like a ripe, young age to you, but most diamonds and precious gems and stone date back over 4.5 billion years ago. It is said that the discovery of black diamonds was possible by volcanoes. About a million years ago, the precious gem was shot out from deep underneath volcanoes and pushed to the surface for us to find.

So where can you find a black diamond? You can purchase your preset diamond from a jewelry store, or any store that sells fine jewelry. If you are looking for a rare opportunity of purchasing one, not mounted inside jewelry, Brazil is where you need to go. Brazil is the number one supplier for these precious gems. Around 1725 the first black diamond was found in the Portuguese colony, located in Brazil. The mining of these diamonds were even used in the slave trade and still house one of the largest populations of African-Americans’ in Bahia. Bahia is still one of the select cities in Brazil for mining the precious rare diamond. Bahia even offers tours of the old mine shafts, as long as you agree to sign the consent form.

This diamond was not as popular until a few years ago. They were mostly collected and purchased by diamond enthusiasts, and stayed pretty low on the radar for purchases. This diamond is a dark and confident stone, so when women wear it they tend to take on the trait of being more confident as well. Although there is no scientific study behind this, women have claimed to feel empowered by the stone, simply by wearing it. The black diamond can be placed in any kind of setting and on most pieces of jewelry, so there is no reason not to purchase this breathtaking stone. Always do your research on your jewelry, just to be sure they are providing pure black diamonds. Bachelor party packages in Cartagena

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