The Basics of a Cold Drawing Machine
Cold drawing machine is a type of drawbench that is used to process metal tubes, pipes, rods and bars that require re-sizing, precision and strict tolerance for various industrial applications. The process involves drawing the metal from a coil and forcing it through multiple dies to achieve a certain cross sectional area. This requires a great deal of force and can be a dangerous operation for those not familiar with the process.
The first step in the cold drawing process is to submerge the raw steel in a lubricant. The lubricant helps to prevent the steel from sticking in the die, which can cause it to break or become damaged. After the steel is submerged in lubricant, it is then drawn through a set of dies that help to shape it and reduce its size. Several passes through the dies may be required to create the desired finished product.
Once the steel has been shaped in the dies, it is then annealed. This annealing process helps to soften the steel and improve its ductility so that it can be used for a variety of applications. In addition, the annealing process helps to remove any residual stresses in the steel that may have been caused by the drawing process.
During the process of cold drawing, it is common for the lead ends of the steel to be pointed so that they can be more easily guided through the dies. This is because the die openings are typically smaller than the section of the steel bar or coil. The pointing helps the steel bar or coil to pass through the dies more easily and to shape it into a final, desirable profile.
The drawing process also helps to manipulate the steel by stretching it. This can be done by reducing the width of the section or by increasing its length. In either case, the final products will be much stronger than the original steel bar or coil.
During the drawing process, it is important to measure the actual drawing forces along the entire route. These measurements are then compared to the calculated values. This allows the calculation of a formula that relates the change in tensile strength to the drawing process. This formula is based on experimental data for nickel wire NP2. These calculations were performed using built-in functions in Excel. They showed that the calculated drawing forces were greater than the experimental ones by 4-9%. This is due to a difference in the technological parameters used in the model, such as the friction coefficient and the die half-angle. The adequacy of the developed mathematical model depends on the accuracy of these values specified. Therefore, future experiments should be carried out to confirm these calculations and improve them. Then, it will be possible to develop more accurate models for the evaluation of the influence of the energy-power parameters on the drawing process. This will enable the development of a more efficient design of drawing routes.